BFT-Electronic Tool Management

The BFT-Electronic Tool Management was born thanks to the partnership with Lista, a company that for over 75 years has been synonymous of quality in the logistics furniture sector.

Between the advantages by using BFT Burzoni electronic drawers units we can find: tracking the tools movements by the users, preventing loss of items, monitoring inventory and organizing orders, the facility of decentralized storage with the consequent acquisition of efficiency and reduction of processing interruptions thanks to the correct storage of the tools.

The results are the following:

cost reduction between 5% to 25%

rise between 5% to 10% during the production peak

tools available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

time for tool tidying reduced

The use of electronic drawer units is facilitated by the ListaMag software, which controls the users’ access during loading and unloading with specific identification badges, avoiding unauthorized access.

The electronic drawers, divided into electronic compartments, are customized according to customers’ needs.